Thursday, January 7, 2010

Especially on a new year’s day, we should visit family graveyard!?

2009-01-02 No. 19

Yesterday, Aniki and I visited several shrines for paying our first visit of the year. (It is called “Hatsumoude”.)

When we were leaving a shrine and got our car, Kamisama said unusual comment…

G: Thank you for Hatsumoude. You must be tired.

D: No, not at all! I would like to thank you. Because of your grace, Kamasama, I prayed for my friends and family’s good health and happiness… also, I expressed my wishes for this year as well.

G: That is good, but is Hatumoude completed with that?

D: Yes! We are thinking to go home and drink some sake.

G: That is a good idea, but you want to thanks for only gods?

D: Ah? What do you mean? (Well, that means there is someone I have to express my gratitude…)

G: That is right. (He heard me!) Expressing your gratitude is the most important thing for Hatsumoude. And not only to the gods, you need to express your gratitude to ?

D: Of course! (I am pretending like I know the answer. This is my bad habit.)

G: Dragon, who gave birth to you?

D: Ah!!! My parents! But I stayed at my parents’ house yesterday.
G: Did you express your gratitude for the last year and say this year’s greeting? Did you pray by joining your palm together in front of a family Buddhist altar?

D: Umm…. No, I might not do a proper greeting. I didn’t even look at my family altar… but I feel strange to go back to my parents’ house…. My parents know we went to shrines for Hatsumoude.

G: Let’s go back to your parents’ house.

D: Yes! I was just thinking about it. (sharp turn!)

----At our parents’ house, they looked at us strangely, Aniki and Dragon said ‘We thank you for last year. We will continue our best for this year as well!’ Of course, we express our gratitude by our family altar by joining palms together. My parents seem to be happy with our proper greeting.

After we left our parents’ house, Kamisama said in my car…

G: Thank you. Your parents were very pleased. You need to appreciate that they gave birth to you, raised you and also your parents are in good health.

D: Indeed, that is right…. Thank you…

G: By the way, Dragon, you were born from your parents, weren’t you?

D: Yes. I am thanking it.

G: Then, where your parents came from?

D: Of course, from their parents?

G: Where did their parents come from?

D: Ah?, from their parents?

G: Yes, if you trace back, there are so many ancestors that we can’t count.

D: Ah, indeed… I never thought about it…

G: Yes. Most of the people don’t think about it, but if one of your ancestors was lacking, you wouldn’t be here?

D: Ah, indeed, it maybe… No, that is true.

G: By the way, who are the closest ancestors?

D: Ah, ….my parents?

G: Yes. Man has devout thought to take care of his ancestors somewhere in his mind, but

Not many people think that “the closest ancestors” are “Parents”.

D: Ah. Certainly. I am sorry…

G: Now it is okay, you have already expressed your gratitude to your parents. In any case, including your parents, please express your gratitude to your ancestors. Always your ancestors are watching over you, Dragon.

D: Ah!? Really? But I don’t see this kind of world…

G: If you can’t see, you can feel. Every time when you had difficulties, your ancestors were concerned and protecting you. I could say that is why you are alive now.

D: Wow? Did they make their endeavor?

G: Especially your dangerous …. Oops, excuse me. Especially like your inquisitive life. Your ancestors are always watching over you lovingly.

D: Ah, it may be… I am very fortunate…. Certainly, I have to thank them. That means???

G: Visit your family graveyard.

D: Ah!? Excuse me, our family graveyard is really far away!

G: We should get some sake as an offering on the way.

D: Ah…, we are definitely going …. (I feel the handle turns suddenly.)

We arrived at our family graveyard after a few hours later. Our mother’s family grave is too far, so we visited only our father’s grave.

G: Thank you for driving. Let’s pour sake on the grave stone.

D: Ah? From the top of the grave stone, gurgling (generously) ?

G: Yes, gurgling. Before that we need to clean the grave stone. Then thank them for the last year and say your wishes for this year in your mind.

---Aniki and I cleaned the grave stone, poured sake and prayed in front of it.

G: Thank you. All of your ancestors are very pleased.

D: Yas, sake’s nice smell is reeked…. I feel good, too, but we usually visit our grave in Obon season (in August).

G: Yes. Of course you can go in August, but there is a reason that you visit your family grave on a new year’s day. What is the difference?

D: Well, is it because of the season? No, it is not reason, what is it?

G: It is your thought. Dragon’s thought. A new year is a new phase of a year. It is a new departure. Man can look through his life of last year and this year sincerely.

D: Certainly, it may be…

G: Of course, ancestors are waiting for you to visit during Obon season, but there is a special time which your heart is enthusiastic and easy to connect with your ancestors. That is a new year’s day.

D: Indeed… It is time we look back our lives and think of this year… Ancestors may want to have conversation with their descendent.

G: Indeed! Dragon, if you have children and grandchildren, you may think the same. More than that, if they offer sake, will you be definitely happy?

D: There is no mistake!

G: Let's do things which make you happy to your ancestors, people and of course to gods.

D: I understand! Thank you very much!

Honestly, this was the first time to drive this long distance on a new year’s day. But now I feel very cheerful. Also, I feel that I could express my gratitude to who should receive it.

By all means, when you have time, Kamisama recommends you to express your appreciation and your intentions for this year to your ancestors. Of course, it is just good to joining your palm together in front of a family Buddhist altar and thank your parents.

(Personally, I discovered that pouring a sho bottle sake (1.8 liters) on a grave stone makes me feel good!)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year from Manyuu

Happy New Year!!!

Wishing you a very best 2010!

I have decided to post my translation without editing by a third person. There will be a lot of grammar mistakes, but this way, I can post quicker. Please forgive me for the mistakes. If anyone who wants to review my translation before posting or after posting, please let me know, or just send me e-mail for corrections. Also, there is a better way of explaining the content of translation, please let me know.

Also, if you have any questions for content of translations, please ask your question. Thank you for your understanding.

Have a great day!


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Etiquette of New Year Day's Visit at Shrines "Hatsumoude"

January 1, 2009 No.18

Happy new year!! This is Dragon. I wish this year will be a wonderful year for everyone.

A new year has started today. Many people in Japan visit shrines to pay homage for a new year on a new year's day. It is called "Hatsumoude".

D: Dragon,
G: the guardian diety/Kamisama

D: Kamisama, Happy New Year! I appreciate your support for this year as well.

G: Me too, thank you.

D: I have a question on a new year's day.

G: Please, you don't need to hesitate.

D: Thank you very much. So, today many people are visiting shrines all over Japan for Hatsumoude, would you please tell me what is the good way for this??

G: Oh, of course. I love to tell you the manner. Then, I will explain from walking through Torii gate.

D: Oh, yes! Do we need to pay attentions when we pass a Torii gate?

G: Not really attention, rather more respect. It is important to pay respect to gods.

D: Indeed. (If there are gods or not, etiquette is our culture...)

G: Exactly, etiquette is a beautiful culture that man created.

D: Ha!?? You read my mind? Yes, it is so...,then what do we need to do at the gate?

G: Please make a bow first. Then say a greeting in your mind like 'please excuse me to enter'. When you leave, you do the same. In general, Torii gate is like an entrance of other world which is different from human world.

D: Ops, I haven't done this before. Then,the next step is washing my hands with pure water or ??

G: No, before that, you walk on the main path to the shrine. I would like to ask you to do this, not like paying attention though.

D: What is it? Pick up a trash if you see it?

G: That is a good manner. That is good, but simply, please do not walk on the middle of the path.

D: Don't walk on the middle? why ?

G: Please consider this as etiquette, but the middle part of the path is where gods walk. So it is important for man to respect it.

D: With modest attitude.

G: Exactly. A person who is modest towards man and gods can cultivate his soul. But Hatsumoude is very busy, so it may be impossible.

D: Yes I understand. What is next?

G: The next step is cleansing hands with pure water. It may be too cold in winter but make sure your hands are washed. Do you know the proper order?

D: What is the proper order for that?

G: First. Hold a wooden ladle by your right hand and wash your left hand, and then wash your right hand. If water is clean, rinse your mouth. This is the best way.

D: If water is dirty??

G: You don't need to rinse your mouth. Then turn the ladle upward and dry it and return to where it was.

D: Good learning! And next?

G: Next is how to pray. In general, first, you make two deep bows, clap your hands twice and make a deep bow again. Then you join your hands together and pray.

D: Hmm... making bows, clapping hands, should we do this?

G: Yes, as much as possible. Dragon, remember, when you visit a shrine to pay homage for the new year, it is important to make gods pleased.

D: Ah? Make gods pleased by man?

G: Ha, ha, ha, surprised? Gods were humans before. And Dragon, you too, if someone greeted you in a proper manner, you will be pleased.

D: Ah, indeed! Certainly!

G: Two bows, Two clapping hands and one bow. If you do this seriously, not embarrassed, gods will have good impression of you. Especially when you clap hands, make big sound. Clapping hands will have effect of cleansing of the space.

D: Sorry , it is the first time to hear. I didn't know...

G: Yes, but this custom is different among shrines. If you don't know the proper manner, please ask them.

D: Yes. How about amount of offering money?

G: Ha, ha, ha. This is from your heart. The amount of money doesn't matter. It is depend on your budget.

D: I am relieved. How about an oracle paper? Is it a good thing to do?

G: Either way is fine. Its only your choice, but remember that oracle papers have always something to tell you, so you must read very carefully. If the message catches your heart, take it and post on your fridge.

D: I see. I have always bound on a branch.

G: Either way is okay. As long as it helps man, gods are happy.

D: Okay. Also one more thing. My wishes. I have ten times more than the others.

G: Great,if all of your wishes were for other people's happiness.

D: Wishes for others?

G: Dragon, just imagine a good person you like and apply it on him. Do you think a person who thinks only himself will be liked by others?

D: Hmmm, that is correct. Ego centrism isn't really cool.

G: Of course, you can pray for yourself, but that should be at last. Remember that the first thing is to pray for your friends and family. Pray for their health and happiness from your heart. But before that, you have to express your gratitude for god's grace.

D: What? Thanking the gods first?

G: Yes. First, repeat your gratitude (Okagesamade) three times. That will make gods happy and then, pray for gods happiness as well.

D: Pardon? Gods' happiness?

G: Yes. I want you to think gods as men.

D: Indeed. Well, certainly it may be so. Okay, I will pray for gods' happiness as well. Also, I will express my gratitude, too. Then others' happiness and after all asking something for me.

G: That is perfect. Make sure that gods are happy. Make it as your priority and express your gratitude. In the end, gods will be pleased to help you.

D: I understand! Let's go! Ah, one more thing? Can I visit many places?

G: Of course you can, but you need to choose shrines that you feel good about.

D: I understand! Thank you very much!

G: Be careful and enjoy.

(Translated by Tomo-san. Thank you, Tomo-san!)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reasons Why We Were Born (No.5)

December 31, 2008 No.17

Today is New Year ’s Eve. We will write the last entry with our wish to express our gratitude to everyone for having spent this year safely.

Last time, Kamisama told us that all men have one common mission. The hint to the answer is…

D: The hint is…. Existence, isn’t it?

G: Indeed! In other words?

D: In other words… recognize the existence….

G: Yes, recognize and?

D: Hmm……

G: Man tends to think everything is so difficult, but the answer is very simple.

D: In other words? Is it good just to be?

G: Yes, indeed!

D: Ah~~~! Isn’t it too simple?

G: No, it is right. Remember Dragon, the mission of man is to praise life, and to be completely alive. There is nothing more important than that.”

D: Ah… That makes me relax…

God: You feel relieved because it is true. Man may have many goals in life, one is to ponder the meaning of life as you say, and it is his pleasure and a wonderful work to look for it. Therefore, the god never deprives man of it. However, to put it strongly, it is ok for man to neither have goals nor search for the meaning of life.

D: Ah? no goals, nor meaning are necessary?

G: So, it doesn’t matter if you have no goals and are not searching for the meaning of life. When we die, that is the goal. In other words, it is also the starting point. After a person dies, he is likely to understand for the first time the meaning of his life.

D: After man dies, he understands the meaning of life? Is that the real case? If so, I feel much better.

G: Easy, easy. Dragon, take it easy. There is a word “Ki Do Ai Raku” (Joy, Madness, Sorrow, Pleasure) To praise life means to taste these emotions really well. Experience pleasure, anger, sorrow, and anger in the now and firmly. 'Praise life and live completely', and I think it isn’t too difficult to do. What do you think?

D: Hmm, I don’t think it is difficult, however, it becomes shameful or regretful after all when anger is expressed. The necessary work is to admit what has happened, isn’t it? It might be a difficult thing to do.

D: Dragon, that is right. Accept yourself and, consequently, admit your existence and love yourself. This work becomes important. It is easy and difficult. This is the biggest mission, and you can see the goal and the meaning naturally if you consider it.

D: Indeed…. It may be so. By the way, the word ‘Iki kiru (Live completely)’ is a great word. Not only live, but ‘Ikiru (live)’ and ‘Kiru (cut=finish=complete), ‘Live completely’.

G: Good point you noticed. Not only ‘Ikiru (Live)’, live life with all your strength until the end. ‘Live completely’.

D: Yes…. I think I understand. Therefore, suicide is bad…..

G: By the way, Dragon, ‘mission’ is written as ‘how is life used’ (in Chinese characters), isn’t it?

D: Usage of life? Ah, certainly.

G: So, I want you to appreciate life to the last drop, completely. It is man's 'Mission'.

D: Ah…. It is so…. That is what it means…. Somehow I am moved. Thank you very much… then it is good if we live to the utmost. Is this right?

G: Indeed. Every life is worthy. It does not matter what kind of goals man decides on or what kind of results he ends up with, there is no problem. Even if what meaning man give, and man ends up in what situation.

D: But to cultivate and purify the soul is important, isn’t it?

G: Of course! Thank you for remembering. However, the soul cannot exist without its existence.

D: Indeed….that is why man is born. I understand. To praise life, and to live completely, that is the reason we are born.

G: Yes, it is. Thank you for understanding, Dragon. Have a Happy New Year!

D: I will, I have to say thank you always. A Happy New Year!


How should I say, it was an unthinkable idea that our mission is to praise life and to live completely… However, if it is really so, I think that the load on my shoulders is gone.

I hope you also celebrate your life by all means, and live to the last minutes, completely. Of course, I think that I will continue setting my goals and define my life while I am enjoying it.

Then, we pray sincerely that the life of everybody is filled with gratitude and love for next year.

Have a great new year! Thank you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reasons Why We Were Born (No.4)

December 30, 2008 #16

To cultivate the soul = To express gratitude

To purify the soul = To love

Kamisama taught me the above definitions, then I asked a rude question : does the gods ask for a return favor? Then Kamisama said that there is 'a return favor'. What is it?

G: I told you about the ‘Great Light’?

D: Yes. It is a place where a soul will go back to?

G: Yes, it is. Man’s soul is a kind of ‘Light’, Dragon.

D: Ah? Is it shining?

G: Yes. It is shining.

D: Mine , too?

G: “Yes, you are light. Everyone is light. However, Dragon, unfortunately, the souls’ lights have become weak recently. Therefore, the great light itself has weakened.

D: Ah? Why? What has happened?

G: I will say it simply, unfortunately worldwide, man’s mind has become wild.

D: Ah---, I am sorry. I am part of that.

G: Simply, we gods want man to regain his soul’s shine. Then, the great light can shine beautifully, too. The great light holds everything.

D: Indeed.

G: So, that is the return favor. By cultivating the soul, and purifying it, will shine man’s light and as a result, the great light will shine also. I want you to cooperate, as well as the people who are reading the blog.

D: I understand. I will make as many efforts as possible to express gratitude and to give love.

G: Thank you. I appreciate it.

D: Ah, excuse me, but there is something that has been weighing on my mind. What is man’s calling (mission)? There are some persons who are born knowing their calling and some who do not. Is this calling a different matter than to cultivate and purity the soul?

G: Yes, they are different.

D: What should I do to get to know what is the mission of my life?

G: The way to find it Dragon?... there is no answer….

D: Ah! really? Well, is it so? When a person dies and becomes a soul and goes back to the light. Then when he is reborn, his knowledge of the god's world and the memory of his past life get forgotten. Is he born without any memory of it all?

G: Indeed. Man comes back without any of the memories.

D: That is hard to understand… If man could remember the experiences and lessons of his past lives, then he wouldn’t need to be confused and search for the answers and he could live with the right answers from the beginning?

G: I understand you might think so. However, the answer has already been told. Dragon, what does man want?

D: Ah, he wants to be confused, wants to worry and wants to suffer, doesn’t he?

G: Yes, in other words, the soul wants to be challenged from ground zero. If man knows the answer from the beginning, his soul would not be excited.

D: Ah, I see, that is why…

G: Yes, because of that reason, man can’t remember. Man lives to search for the answers. However, there is one kind of person who already knows the answers.

D: What kind of person is it?

G: It is a person of action …

D: Action? What kind?

G: Going after what he wants.

D: Hmm…. What he wants to do… Anything is acceptable?

G: Anything is okay…what you want to do. In a word, what the soul desires, that is the answer. Any person who becomes free from the bounds of the common practice in the world, and is doing something about it, look around you, there must be many.

D: I am envious…

G: Of course, it can be said that the person who is acting out his desires has his own hardships to face. However, he changes them into gratitude and love.

D: Ah, I wish I could be like that…

G: You can become like that . Cultivate the soul and purify it, and don’t forget, Dragon, the truth is that man has one mission.

D: Ah! one? All of us have the same mission?

G: Yes. All of us have the same one. Do you want to know?

D: Of course! Ah, it is to cultivate and purity the soul, isn’t it?

G: Yes. However there is a deeper mission. I can say that this is the reason why man is born. Let’s see, Dragon. What do you think?

D: Uh….. No hint?

G: The hint is the usual word.

D: The usual??? Ah!

(Continue. There is a deeper mission than cultivating and purifying the soul. What is it?)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Reasons Why We Were Born (No.3)

(December 29, 2008 No.15)

According to Kamisama, the soul isn’t forged or made strong by itself, but its growth is influenced by its environment and also the hardships it faces. They are like water, soil, and light for flowers and plants. In other words ・・・

D: Does hardship for man mean nutrition? ...

G: That is right! Indeed. Hardships are the nutrition that raises souls. So, we have to welcome them.

D: Hmm, certainly, when you put it that way, I understand, but honestly, I don’t want to experience it.

G: Ha, ha, ha. It may be so. Well, then, Dragon, let me tell you a special secret, the reasons why the soul is born in man.

D: Oh! I want to know that.

G: Of course there are many reasons, but there are some more important than others. Are you ready? The soul wants to be born in man and wants to experience the following:

・I want to worry.
・I want to be at a loss.
・I want to suffer.

These are the reasons.

D: Ah!? Such masochistic thinking! I never think so!

G: Ha, ha, ha. You have just forgotten, I have spoken to you about a world of gods before?

D: Ah, Yes. It was a discussion about a wonderful world where things are achieved at once, wasn’t it?

G: Yes, it is a wonderful world, but because of that reason, gods are bored. It is a world without hardships. No ways of overcoming hardships there and for that reason alone we can call it ‘Boredom’.

D: Ah…Do you think that?

G: Yes, I do… So, they want to come and live again in severe human conditions where a lot of hardships exist. In a word, they actually want to feel alive from the adversities.

D: So, if the god world is described in such a way, it seems like a virtual world…?

G: Yes! It is a virtual world. Therefore, they want to come to a world of living.

D: Really? Well, I will make an effort to bless the hardships, though I do not want to face them at all.

G: Dragon, who makes the hardships?

D: Well? Who? Hmm, me or the people around me?

G: Yes, both. Your enemies and other people who try to trap you might cause hardships for you. However, it is possible to think that in this way they also are raising you, Dragon.

D: Ah, well, indeed. If I think the hardships are like nourishment, they might be so…

G: Yes. They create nourishment purposely for you. Therefore, we should express our gratitude to them.

D: Guuu… (Do I need to I express my gratitude even to them?)

G: Ha, ha, ha. Certainly it is difficult. But, Dragon, let me teach you one important thing when we express our gratitude. Remember well.

D: The one necessary thing when we express our gratitude?

G: Are you ready? It is 'Modesty’. Modestly and modestly. You deal with things with the feeling of “Okagesamede” (gratitude for grace of god). If you do that, a sense of gratitude will come naturally.

D: Ah, indeed “Modesty” that is also difficult, isn’t it?

G: But Dragon, when man wishes to express his gratitude for even his hardships, he is cultivating his soul.

D: Ah? Really?

G: Yes, it is so. Man does not live alone. He is alive because of his surroundings. Some people may say that they worked hard and achieved something by themselves, but they had the help of people around them who accepted and supported them, they cannot deny that fact.

D: Indeed. Certainly, that's right if we think in that manner… modesty …

G: Now then, let's summarize here together. Dragon, what is the most important key word to cultivate the soul?

D: It is gratitude, isn’t it?

G: That is right! Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. When we wish to express our gratitude sincerely, the soul is cultivated. That action means ‘loving the soul’.
D: Loving … is gratitude. Then, having hardships is a chance to express gratitude. In a word, it is a chance to cultivate the soul?

G: That is right, Dragon! You are getting it... Of course, if we express our gratitude and are modest every day, even in good days, the soul will be cultivated more.

D: Is it so? I understood. I express my gratitude for all and with a modest attitude.

G: Please do so. By the way, let’s go next to gratitude. For instance, let’s say Dragon, that you’ve expressed gratitude for hardships you’ve experienced, then you will change.

D: Ah? After my soul is cultivated, does anything change? Does my character improve?

G: You’ve hit a good point. Who judges your character?

D: People around me?

G: Indeed. In a word, what do you do to surrounding people?

D: Hmm….. I send my gratitude to people around me? Though I don’t quite understand.

G: Yes! You start expressing your gratitude to the people around you.

D: Ah, ok… In other words, I feel gratitude… I understand the worth of the blessing…

G: You used a good word, Dragon, it is a really good word, I want you to make it your habit to say ‘grateful’, this word can be said in a kind of ‘chant that brings happiness.

D: I see! I will remind myself to say it often.

G: Well, when man understands gratitude, his feeling of gratitude will expand. Then he can treat people around him with gratitude. And, there is something arises from the gratitude. That is….

D: Something will arise from the gratitude…?

G: Dragon, that is Love.

D: Love? Does love arise from gratitude?

G: Indeed. When a person treats people with gratitude, love arises naturally.

D: Ah, I see. Certainly, it might be….

G: To give love to others is to purify the soul. In a word, it is to love the soul.

D: To love the soul! To purify means this! Well, if I summarize it…”

To express gratitude = To cultivate the soul

To love = To purify the soul

Is this right?”

G: That is right! This is what god hopes for man.

D: Indeed… Certainly, I think if man becomes such a person, he will live a wonderful life….

G: Without doubt, his life will be a wonderful one.

D: Yes. Ah, but, it may be a mean question, but why does god hopes so? Is there any return favor to him?”

G: Of course, there is a return favor.

D: Ah? Seriously? What is it?

(Unexpected return favor will continue, next…)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Reasons Why We Were Born (No.2)

(December 28, 2008, No. 14)

In a man’s life, there is something he has to do. Now, what is it….?

D: Thing man has to do, hm……

G: Ha, ha, ha. It is difficult, isn’t it? By the way, it is ok to say what the god ‘hopes’ for man, and not ‘necessary’ to do. Therefore, I will tell you the answer. Are you ready? During man's life here on the earth, he has to

'cultivate and purify his spirit'

That is the important thing to do.

D: Cultivate spirit and purify it…. Ah, it sounds great, but I don’t understand the meaning…

G: The meaning of cultivating the soul is to affect it. To purify the soul is to love it.

D: To affect and to love…. Excuse me, I still don’t understand well….

G: Okay. For instance, Dragon, what is your ideal man to become in the future?

D: Yes. Well, after all, it is abstract, but I wish to increase the number of people who have been happy to meet me. However, it doesn’t go so well sometimes and I cause trouble to people around me …

G: Well, whatever the ideal people hope for, everyone has one. Having the ideal is really wonderful. And, man is working desperately to achieve that.

D: Hmm, I don’t know that people are working desperately to achieve their ideal future or not, but I think everyone is working toward it.

G: Indeed. However, you don’t need to work hard.

D: Ah!? Seriously?

G: Yes, it is okay. You don’t need to work hard for it.

D: Hmm… Are you sure?

G: You don’t need perseverance. Are you listening? The soul grows.

D: How does it grow, by itself?

G: Indeed. By itself, if a person lives. The soul is raised, rather than growing up by itself.

D: Who raises it? The god? Kamisama?

G: Of course, the god, but also the people you mentioned, Dragon.

D: Ah! ‘The people around me’! Certainly! I think so.

G: Dragon, though I preached this to Buddha a long, long time ago…

D: Ah!? Wait a minute! Buddha of Buddhism, Buddha? You preached to him, did you talk to him?

G: You don’t need to be surprised that much. You may think that most religious great men are able to talk with the god.

D: Wow... I am surprised… (That is terrific if it is true).

G: Ha, ha, ha. It is okay if you believe it or not . By the way, though the story wanders for a moment, I don’t want you to think to make a religion for you and your brother (Aniki), there is no need to become religious at all.

D: Ah, don’t worry, my brother and I do not want to create a new religion at all. Please do not worry. We are interested in passing on messages of Kamisama to living people.

G: Thank you. Then, I will continue the Buddha’s story. He thought that first he should work hard by force, forge his soul and make it strong . However, the necessity doesn’t exist. (it isn’t necessary.)

D: Hmm…, but I think that a person working hard is respectful…?

G: Of course, it is splendid. However, the soul is raised by its environment as I mentioned before and not by itself. On the contrary, Dragon, you are helping to raise souls around you as well.

D: Hmm…, I hope it works that way…

G: For instance, Dragon. You have experienced many hardships.

D: Ah? Me? No, no, I haven’t! I am living in an easy life.

G: You don’t need to be humble. You’ve suffered many trials and tribulations. You’ve experienced hardships which you can’t even tell others. You have even thought about committing suicide at a certain time, haven’t you?

D: Uh…..

G: Dragon, when you experienced hardship, how did you overcome it? Do you remember?

D: Ah, to tell the truth, I didn’t do anything after all. People around Aniki and me encouraged us, gave us hints, and occasionally scolded us, and helped mentally and financially.

G: Yes, it is so. If no one around you had helped, what would have happened to you, Dragon?

D: Ah,I think about that often… Maybe, certainly, I would have been desperate if no one had been around me. I seriously think that I might have become so-called a yakuza (gangster).

G: Ha, ha, ha. You might have. However, you over came your hardship with the help of people around you. Of course, big hardships are waiting…

D: Ah! There are more….

G: Of course! However, Dragon, the soul is raised by hardships. For instance, how do flowers and plants grow?

D: Ah? Water, soil, light isn’t it?

G: In other words?

D: In other words?

G: What are hardships for man?

(Continue. This answer is easy, isn’t it?)