Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reasons Why We Were Born (No.1)

(December 27, 2008, No. 13)

Hello, this is Dragon.

I have been thinking that there are past lives without any sense of incompatibility. Like falling leaves and new buds for a next season, I don’t think it is strange that man also has a cycle of transmigration. Though it is only my simple belief. (・Θ・;)

If this assumption of rebirth is the truth, what is the meaning of rebirth for man?

If there is no transmigration of soul, why is man born?Today’s story started with my question.

It began when I questioned Kamisama about the world of postmortem.

G: Kamisama (Guardian Deity)

D: Dragon (Younger brother)

A: Aniki (Medium, Older brother)

Is there a world of Postmortem?

D: Kamisama, I have a question….G: Please. I read your blog. I am enjoying it.

D: Ah! Thank you very much! I would like to start discussing something for my blog again.

G: Yes, there is a world of postmortem.

D: Ah! Kamisama reads my mind again! Yes, that is my question.
(Kamisama answers before I question. )

G: Do I need to talk about what will happen after a person’s death?

D: Yes, please. For instance, what will happen after I die? For instance, do I become a soul after I die?

G: Yes, but man is a soul while he is alive.

D: Ah, I see. Then the body will be gone after a person’s death?

G: Yes, and someone will come to welcome the deceased.

D: Wow! I read it in a book about near death experience!

G: Yes. Don’t worry. Spirits who loved and watched over for a long time will welcome the deceased.

D: Hmm. Who will come and welcome me? Is there any chance that no one will come to meet the deceased?

G: There is.

D: Ahhhh! That is lonely!

G: Don’t worry. When no one comes, that means it isn’t time to die. Therefore, in such a case the soul needs to return to the same path he came from.

D: Ah---, Indeed. Also, it seems to be a beautiful place according to the near death experience book.

G: Yes. It is a truly beautiful place. There is a field of beautiful flowers and innumerable light. Dragon, look forward to it because it is the most beautiful scenery.

D: Oh….. That is great!

A place to where all souls return

D: Then, where do souls go after that?

G: Though it is likely they will go various places, there is one place souls return to for now.

D: Ah! Is it like a house?

G: It could be an individual home, but it could be one.

D: ???

G: We call it a “Great Light”

D: Great light….. Oh…, it sounds great! Is it really a large light?

G: Yes, it is. Literally it is a very large light. It is so beautiful that it can’t be described in words and it is such a solemn light, that it arouses awe in the atmosphere around it.

D: I see. I have read from a book that when a soul returns there, it decides how to live, its purpose and direction of the next life.

G: Hmm, it is so. However, not all souls decide on the meaning, or targets for the next life.

D: Wow? Unexpected… It is so…

G: Different people with different tastes. The souls are the same way. There is a soul which is born with a purpose or none at all. For instance, sometimes a soul which regrets his past life may want to start over again, or it may want to fall in love again, and so on. There are many souls who come back for such reasons.

D: Wow! I see. So unexpected! Is it so simple? I am relieved. (Because I definitely so simple, too. )

G: Yes, however, there are souls who come back with a mission.

D: Hmm. Which one is happier, a soul who decides his purpose of living or a soul who doesn’t have one?

G: Either way is okay. Various lives can exist. However, it can be said what all men should do in their lives.

D: Wow! What is it?

G: Then, let’s think together.

D: Ah, he doesn’t answer right away…
