Thursday, September 3, 2009

A hidden message delivered through intoxication

(December 24, 2008, No.10)

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I am like most Japanese who are non-religious. We celebrate all religions. How are you spending your day?
Well, due to the holidays, most people drink in celebration on holidays. Therefore, today’s topic is “A hidden message in gap.”

Each person handles alcohol differently. Therefore the behavior can range from laughter to anger and so on.

When I get drunk, I tend to speak non-stop. The other day, I said something to my friend that hurt his feelings. (Now I regret it.)

Personally, I wanted to ask Kamisama why I acted this way. (・Θ・;)

Let’s start the conversation. By the way, this conversation came about from the original discussion about god’s hierarchy.

A question about Kamisama’s life…

D: Well, sorry if this question sounds funny,but Kamisama, do you drink alcohol?

G: Yes, I drink.

D: Really! Seriously?

G: Not only do the gods drink alcohol, they also eat food, smoke cigarettes, fall in love and have sex.

D: Wait a minute ・・・ I am shocked to hear that gods do that.

G: Ha, ha, ha. It is true. Just like man, gods like to do these things as well.

D: Ah, it is so… Then, where do you buy your food?

G: I don’t buy the food. I make my own.

D: Ah…, homemade?

G: Yes, if you want to do that.

D: Ah? How else do you get your food?

G: Dragon, you may not believe this, but we get anything we want just by thinking about it. Food and alcohol materialize instantly and it is possible to travel to places in no time.

D: Wow….!? I am Jealous…

G: Certainly, it is a wonderful world. However, because of this, gods can choose to be born as man.

D: What? Why do you want to be born as man? You are god?

G: Some choose to stay as gods, while others choose to be born as man. The reason is that gods want to experience the joy and hardship of being human to cultivate the soul.

D: Training to cultivate the soul.… Hmm, if I were a god, I would stay as a god forever.

G: Ha, ha, ha. Dragon, on a different subject, it doesn’t matter if you become a god or not. Just remember that there is a wonderful world waiting for you after you die. Except, Oops! Suicide is not good because it degrades soul’s rank!

D: What? Souls have ranks?

G: Yes it does. “Ranking ”is exactly as you understand it. However, I don’t want you to think that you can increase ranking by force. It goes up naturally. I will not talk in detail, but just understand that there is ranking for souls.

D: Hmm

G: Anyway, there are similarities in god’s world to man’s but there is a huge difference in timing.

Does god like alcohol!?

D: Indeed... Let’s return to the story of alcohol… I love alcohol.

G: I know. I love it, too.

D: Oh! I am happy! Do you drink every night?

D: Of course! Having a drink after finishing a job feels great!

D: Indeed! Ah, I am pleased. Then, Kamisama, most the time when I get drunk, I talk a lot and then get sleepy, but recently I made an outrageous remark to a person…

G: Because of alcohol?

D: I didn’t mean to say those terrible thing… I apologized, but I still regret saying it.

G: Ha, ha, ha. It is okay now that you apologized. On other hand, there are many things you can learn from this behavior.

D: Indeed. What I learned is to drink in moderation.

G: Yes. It is okay to drink moderately if it is within the range of your capacity. However, since you have regret about your behavior, it was a good experience for you. So learn from the way you behaved when you were drunk.

The message from being under the influence of alcohol

D: A message? To whom?

G: Of course, a message is sent to you and the people around you.

D: Hmm, do I send a message when I get drunk?

G: Ha, ha, ha. Oh dear, yes, Dragon. For instance, some people are very happy and smile a lot when they get drunk.

D: I like a man like that. It is healing.

G: Indeed. Why do you think that man is a “happy drunk”?

D: Ah, I guess a depressed person?

G: True. Also, a serious person may tend to laugh while drunk. It brings to light the night and day gap between his sober and drunk behavior.

D: Indeed. The result can be that when a happy person gets drunk he may start crying and this impacts the people around him.

G: I agree. He can also be called a “Sentimental drunk.” Now, let's think about the meaning of the night and day gap. In a word, the gap is THE message.

D: Hmm, does that mean that a drunk person is conveying the message that he has a gap?

G: Yes. What else?

D: In other words, hmm…. If a person acts very happy when he drinks then we can call him a “happy drunk.”

G: Yes! Normally this person wouldn’t laugh but under the influence of alcohol, he becomes a very happy person. What else could we say?

D: Ah, this person has the desire to laugh and be happy every day but for whatever reason doesn’t.

G: Yes, that’s true! Most of the time, drunken behavior is the suppressed part of him which he wants to express but he can’t until alcohol is introduced. Of course, this is not the same for all cases.

D: Ah, I think I understand it very well. Alcohol usually helps a person become brave and do what he normally won’t do because it embarrasses him.

G: You don’t need to be embarrassed. Alcohol could have a wonderful affect of opening a part you that is confined and thus releasing it. By the way, Dragon, what do people say to you when you get drunk?

D: Ah? I wonder… People say that I don’t change much, but I become talkative.

G: What do you talk about?

D: Considerable things. I like to talk about philosophical subjects.

G: So, for instance, you have the strong desire to talk about deep topics. However; if you need alcohol…

D: For that purpose; this blog may be a release for me!

G: I hope it helps you. Anyway, what people say about your behavior when you are drunk is a very wonderful message. You should consider that your drunken behavior is that suppressed part of you.

D: Should I remind myself that and live accordingly?

G: It is up to you. Dragon, did you forget? What do you need to do if you want to know about life?

D: Ah, it is “existence”. I recognize that there is a gap. Indeed! I have a suppressed desire and need to recognize that existence.

G: Indeed. Suppression isn’t a bad thing and it isn’t necessary to change it. Man admits the existence of suppression. Now it’s up to each person to do something about it.

D: I see. By the way, what about a person who drinks excessively or someone who is an alcoholic?

G: What do you think, Dragon?

D: Well, maybe he is suppressing living or maybe he has a suicide wish.

G: It might be. That is very wasteful.

D: Indeed… What should people do who don’t drink alcohol?

G: Ha, ha, ha. It’s not necessary to get drunk in order to disclose a suppressed part of you. A person who won’t drink alcohol may choose something else such as “Karaoke” or “dressing up to make a fashion statement.” Anyway, if your friends tell you that you have a gap when you are drunk, that’s a good hint.

D: Yes, I understand! Thank you very much

G: You are welcome. Thank you.


I love sake, so this story made me think a lot.

I wish everybody a happy holiday and good drinking. Dragon.

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