Sunday, September 6, 2009

Unexpected "Effect" of Incense

(December 26, 2008, No.12)
Hello! This is Dragon.

I have loved “Incense” for a long time. I am a man, but I enjoy its fragrance? I love perfumes as well.

When my brother Aniki and I were talking about incense, Kamisama joined in our conversation.
I would like to introduce the story.

G: Guardian deity, Kamisama
D: Dragon (Younger brother)
A: Aniki (Channeler, older brother)

Hidden “Effect” of Incense.

Aniki: Ah, Dragon. Did you buy incense? It is nice, isn’t it?

D: Yup. It is nice. I love incense. I could burn it forever.

Aniki: Indeed. I love it as well. Ah, wait a minute, Kamisamas is talking…

D: Oh! What? (I sit up straight. It is pretty strange, but I am getting used to this situation…)

G: Dragon. Do you know why you feel good when you burn incense?

D: Ah? Of course, because it smells good! ….but it seems like you are indicating something more…

G: Ha, ha, ha. Very good. The effect is more than just the smell.

D: Hmm? What do you mean?

G: Incense existed from ancient times. For instance, why do we have the incense stick?

D: Ah! This is my guess, that the incense stick was used at funerals. It might be to hide the smell of the dead body.

G: Boo….

D: Wow, I was confident about my answer.

G: Ha, ha, ha. Don’t people use incense for Buddhist service not just for funerals?

D: Ah, I see. Then why do we burn incense….

G: The answer relates to guardian gods.

D: Ah? Guardian gods? What happens when we burn the incense…????”

G: They are pleased.

D: “Wow Guardian gods like incense? In other words, they can smell incense?

G: Of course.

D: Wow!!!, I am really surprised … guardian gods love the smell also.

G: Indeed. For instance, what would you do if you were a guardian god and somebody burned incense in this room?

D: Ah, I will stay here for a long time?

G: Indeed. Rather, other guardian gods will gather in this room.

D: Oh! Great! I am happy!

G: That is great. Gods like clean places or beautiful Ki (energy).

D: Indeed. Then I should continue to burn incense

G: Yes, you can do that. However, be careful. There aren’t just good guardian gods.

D: Wow! Not only good guardian gods? There are bad ones?

G: There are. All kinds of gods exist.

D: Wow, that is scary…

G: We will talk about it some other time. There are many good guardian gods, so continue to use incense. If there is a good one next to you, your luck may increase.

D: Okay, I bought a lottery ticket, so I will burn incense next to the tickets!

G: Ha, ha, ha! Do what you want. Don’t have high expectations.

D: I see. If guardian gods like incense, do they like perfume as well?

G: Of course! As I said before, it is easy for guardian gods to gather together in a good environment. I can say the same thing to a person. If a good person is good, then guardian gods can easily help him.

D: Then I will be a good person! I will burn incense!

G: Hang in there. (^∇^)


Ah! The answer was unexpected and it surprised me. What about you? (Dragon)

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