Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you want to get better, faster then do this....

(December 25, 2008, No.11)

G: Guardian Deity, Kamisama
D: Dragon (Younger brother)
A: Aniki (Channaler, Older brother)

Hello! This is Dragon. I caught a cold!

On a chilly night I went to the movies wearing a light jacket. I caught a cold because of this.

When I called by brother, Aniki, yesterday and told him about it, Kamisama said this to me.

"Dragon, if you want to get better, do this …..”

Before I go to bed I want to tell you this story.

The hotline with the god…

G: Dragon, how are you? Are you feeling alright?

D: Ah, can you tell? I have a little fever…. I caught a cold.

G: It will be okay; you will get better but do you want to get better faster?

D: Yes, I don’t want to call in sick. I want to recover within seconds. [Cough, cough.]

G: I understand. Then let’s teach you a special secret.

D: Oh! Great! Please teach me!

G: Okay. By the way, Dragon, what are you thinking now that you caught a cold?

D: Ah? I am pissed off (shit!)

G: I understand. However; you’re not going to get better thinking like that. I am sorry.

D: Ah? Then what do I need to do? Should I think like “Yahoo!”

G: Yes! Right’s right!

D: Wow!!! Should I really think “yahoo!”? Are you sure?

G: Yes. When you get sick, Dragon, be grateful.

D: Grateful? I have never heard of anything like this! How can I be happy!

G: Don’t you want to get well faster? Then be happy. Think that it was great that I got a cold!

D: Hmm. I understand it as positive thinking, but I am not convinced….

G: If you think positively, it is good for you mentally. But do you understand that it will also influence you physically?

D: Hmm, honestly I can’t imagine that…

Love your cells…

G: Dragon, what are you made of?

D: Ah? The body? Muscle, bone structure, blood?

G: Tell me what’s deeper than that?

D: Ah, a cell?

G: Yes. It is a cell. When a person is sick the cells are weak. If the cells are weak, they need to get stronger.

D: That is why I need to be happy? If I am happy, the cells get stronger?

G: Yes, it will get stronger. ‘Joy’ releases healing power more than anything else. It is occasionally reported in the news that 'laughter' makes the immune system stronger. That is true. Dragon, if you are happy, the cells are happy. And when the cells are happy, they feel your love.

D: Love my cells?

G: Yes. For instance, when there is a backache, love your back’s cells.

D: How do I love them? Should I say “I love you?”

G: Of course. It is important to think that way, but do something for instance put a blanket on your back, apply a compress or be gentle with your posture.

Okay then, Dragon when do you think someone loves you?

D: I am happy. I feel thankful.

G: Indeed. Cells think that way too.

D: But they are my cells?

G: Ha, ha, ha. You call the cells your own, but do you really think they are? When you act do you consider your cells?

D: Hmm, No, honestly not. I don’t even think about my cell’s existence.

G: Dragon, I have been telling you this but think about existence. The cells are you, “Dragon” and that is equivalent to the one universe. Therefore; do things that make you and your cells happy.

D: Indeed, ・・・ I think I understand. I will thank the cells always. Although it is likely that others will consider this strange.

G: Ha, ha, ha. Just send love to the cells; you don’t need to verbalize it.

D: Yes. Then I will think positively when I catch a cold.

G: More than thinking about it, express the happiness.

D: Hmm? Like I did?

G: From the bottom of your heart jump up and down with pleasure. And, love your cells more seriously. Only you can be nice to your cells. The body will be activated if you do and the recovery speed will increase.

D: Is it so-called self healing? Ah, by the way, does a person with a fatal disease recover this way?

G: Happiness is strong to overcome even cancer, though I don’t want to exaggerate. However; it’s not necessarily effective in all people because some choose to be sick.

D: Ah? Is there a person who dares to get sick?

G: Yes. Before being born the person decides that his challenge is this lifetime will be “sickness.”

D: Ahhh….. Indeed…….. a great person….

G: I will tell you a story after you recover from your cold. Let's review this story. When you get sick the next time, what will you do?

D: I will be ecstatic!

G: And?

D: I will love my cells!

G: Indeed! Your recovery speed will be far faster.

D: Thank you very much! Then, for the time being, my cells are telling me that they need rest, so I will go to bed! After that I will feed them with special food!

G: Okay. I will pray for your fast recovery.


Please take care of yourself and love your body.

Ah! Kanji “Gojiai” which means "love myself" (to take good care of myself) shows what just Kamisama said …. (We say "gojiai kudasai" to a sick person.)


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